Rian Adhivira Prabowo
Institute of Human Rights and Peace, Mahidol University

1965 is an unresolved case in Indonesia. Going hand in hand with the culture of impunity and historical amnesia of the events, it leaves the “victims” without any legal recognition. This paper will elaborating the idea of France philosopher, Jacques Ranciere, on how political struggle is still possible against the hopelessnes circumstances. For Ranciere, “politics” is always resembling a struggle against the logic of distribution, with equality as its point of departure. It means that politics is at the same time an emancipation, and a recognition in its true form, since the victims as the part who have no part are degraded as secondary citizen without acknowledgement of their horrible past. In this case there are at least two different narratives that could be explored: first is the logic of the “police”, on how the sovereign uses its apparatuses to maintaining the hegemony of 1965 events. The second one is how the people (survivors/victims), whose marginalized by the police logics, form their “subjectivication”, a collective movement to maintaining their own memories and perspective of that events. From the experience of several location in Indonesia, this paper will show that political struggle is still possible, even under the age of hopelessness. Furthermore, this paper will try to explore how the victims/survivor perceiving the meaning of “rights”, constructing “rights” from below.

Keywords: 1965, Victims communities, Rancierian Political Struggle

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