Blaspheming religion vs blaspheming humanity

AL KHANIF, The Jakarta Post Jakarta | Fri, December 23, 2016 | 09:09 am In the past few months, Indonesia, particularly Jakarta, has been on high alert for massive protests to persecute a person accused of blaspheming a religion. The reactions of people and organizations supporting the protests demonstrate their choice of protecting religion over respecting humanity. […]

Defending Pancasila to protect Indonesian pluralism

AL KHANIF, The Jakarta Post Jember, East Java | Wed, June 1 2016 | 07:53 am The Constitutional Court asserted in 2009 that Pancasila was a foundation of the state that could not be amended. As a supreme source of law in Indonesia’s legal system, Pancasila, which was founded 70 years ago, consists of five […]

The paradox of religious (in)tolerance in Indonesia

AL KHANIF, The Jakarta Post London | Fri, October 16, 2015 | 04:37 pm Indonesia has once again witnessed religious violence, this time a clash between a majority group and a minority. The violence occurred in Aceh Singkil, and resulted in the destruction of a church, one man dead and others injured. Not long ago […]

Islam Nusantara Solusi NU Hadapi Tantangan Masa Depan

AL KHANIF, Islam Nusantara Jember, 31 August 2015, JAKARTA – Sejak digulirkan beberapa bulan lalu, Islam Nusantara, yang menjadi tema besar muktamar NU ke-33 di Jombang telah memantik kontroversi. Meskipun para penggagas Islam Nusantara sudah menjelaskan bahwa terminologi “Nusantara” tidak dimaksudkan untuk mendirikan mazhab baru didalam Islam, namun tetap saja beberapa kalangan umat Islam […]