Defending Pancasila to protect Indonesian pluralism

AL KHANIF, The Jakarta Post Jember, East Java | Wed, June 1 2016 | 07:53 am The Constitutional Court asserted in 2009 that Pancasila was a foundation of the state that could not be amended. As a supreme source of law in Indonesia’s legal system, Pancasila, which was founded 70 years ago, consists of five […]

The paradox of religious (in)tolerance in Indonesia

AL KHANIF, The Jakarta Post London | Fri, October 16, 2015 | 04:37 pm Indonesia has once again witnessed religious violence, this time a clash between a majority group and a minority. The violence occurred in Aceh Singkil, and resulted in the destruction of a church, one man dead and others injured. Not long ago […]

Islam Nusantara Solusi NU Hadapi Tantangan Masa Depan

AL KHANIF, Islam Nusantara Jember, 31 August 2015, JAKARTA – Sejak digulirkan beberapa bulan lalu, Islam Nusantara, yang menjadi tema besar muktamar NU ke-33 di Jombang telah memantik kontroversi. Meskipun para penggagas Islam Nusantara sudah menjelaskan bahwa terminologi “Nusantara” tidak dimaksudkan untuk mendirikan mazhab baru didalam Islam, namun tetap saja beberapa kalangan umat Islam […]

NU must deal with members’ persecution of minorities

AL KHANIF, The Jakarta Post London | Wed, August 5, 2015 | 06:02 am Since a few months ago, ‘Islam Nusantara’ or Islam of the Indonesian archipelago, which is the theme of the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) congress this year, has stirred controversy. Even though some NU leaders have stated that the concept is not a […]