Politics of Memories: Struggle of 1965 Victims Communities in Indonesia

Rian Adhivira Prabowo Institute of Human Rights and Peace, Mahidol University Abstract 1965 is an unresolved case in Indonesia. Going hand in hand with the culture of impunity and historical amnesia of the events, it leaves the “victims” without any legal recognition. This paper will elaborating the idea of France philosopher, Jacques Ranciere, on […]

Political Party Reformation in Indonesia: Obstacles and Challenges for Increasing Political Participation Disabilities

Haidar Fikri Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Sebelas Maret University M.Arifin Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Sebelas Maret University Oki Candra Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Sebelas Maret University Abstract Politic contestation in Indonesiapacked in an implementation of democratic elections as a national principle. Today’s elections are less presenting […]

Pre-Election Dispute over Process of Provincial Election in Indonesia: Aceh Case Study

Muhammad Siddiq Armia Faculty of Sharia and Law, UIN Ar-Raniry, Indonesia Abstract After amendment the 1945 Constitution, Indonesia has adopted election mechanism to implement a value of democracy. Unfortunately, the regulations as a main tool have not completely covered all of election issues. It follows that the election legal systems have only been prepared […]

The Role of Indonesian CSOs to Increase the Understanding of Difabled Issues in the Indonesian Criminal Justice System

Dio Ashar Wicaksana Researcher of MaPPI-FHUI / Indonesia Judicial Monitoring Society Abstract Indonesia successfully amended Disabled People Law in early 2016. The fundamental amendment is creating equal rights and opportunity for disabled groups. Disability group in this context is the people who have physical and mental limitations to communicate and participate effectively with another […]