Academic Seminar and Call for Papers: Post-Legislative Scrutiny in Asia | 17-18 June 2019
Organized by the Westminster Foundation for Democracy in cooperation with the University of Jember (Indonesia) and the University of Yangon (Myanmar) with the support of UK Department for International Cooperation (DFID) and the Union Hluttaw of the Republic of Myanmar Yangon, 17-18 June 2019 Check details here
CHRM2’s Go Green Campaign – Ring the Bell Ride
On Friday, January 4th, 2019, CHRM2 and UNEJ officially launched their Go Green Campaign. 50 participants gathered at the University’s Double Way for the Ring the Bell Ride around campus. Tegalboto 37 Cycle club joined university students and lecturers for the fun ride, proving that sustainable change can stem from the bottom up, (an image […]
The Center for Human Rights Multiculturalism and Migration (CHRM2) Launched its Second Human Rights Book
The Center for Human Rights Multiculturalism and Migration (CHRM2) launched its second Human Rights book on December 10, 2018. This date was chosen for the book launching because it coincided with World Human Rights Day. The human rights-centered book is entitled: Human Rights: Politics, Law, and Religion in Indonesia. According to Dr. Al Khanif, […]
Kuliah Bersama Rakyat
Sepaham Indonesia bekerja sama dengan CHRM2 Universitas Jember mengadakan kegiatan kuliah bersama rakyat yang bertema Negara Hukum, Kemanusiaan, dan Ekologi, kuliah tersebut menghadirkan dua pentolan aktivis dari dua daerah yang persoalannya dipandang cukup serius. Mereka adalah Gunretno yang mewakili Jaringan Masyarakat Peduli Pegunungan Kendeng (JMPPK) Jawa Tengah, serta Yateno (Ketua Paguyuban Petani Jawa Timur, Banyuwangi) […]