A New Book “Islam, Hak Beragama dan Dinamikanya di Indonesia”
Meski secara konstitusi berbicara kebebasan beragama dan berkeyakinan dijamin oleh negara dalam pasal 29 Undang-Undang Dasar 1945. Selain itu, pemerintah Indonesia juga telah menunjukkan komitennya terhadap HAM dengan meratifikasi dua instrumen HAM internasional yaitu International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) dan International Covenant on Economic, Social and Culture Rights (ICESPR). Namun dalam realitanya […]
Bike to Work
As part of its commitment to promote greener world, the Centre for Human Rights, Multiculturalism, and Migration (CHRM2) together with Gender Studies, Pusat Kajian Pancasila dan Konstitusi (PUSKAPSI), Tegal Boto Cycling Club, and Bike to Work Indonesia organized a cycling campaign. This event is to celebrate international cycling day on 3 June every year. The […]
The Director is Presenting A Research Report on Women in Politics.
As part of its commitment to put advocacy in its main objectives, the Centre for Human Rights, Multiculturalism and Migration (CHRM2) helped the Conservative Party UK to boost the quantity of women in politics. It has been noted that women participation in the government sector is still limited even though according to the latest population […]
Focus Group Discussion on the Shrinking of Civic Space in Indonesia
On March 30th, the Centre for Human Rights, Multiculturalism and Migration (CHRM2) University of Jember held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) about the Shrinking Civic Space In a Political Context In Indonesia in Meotel Jember. This project is funded by the Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD) Indonesia. There were 17 participants representing civil society […]