Tentative Schedule of the Conference 2018
Dear presenters and participants Greetings from Jember, East Java Indonesia The conference steering committee has passed through a very thrilling time in the last two weeks. The committee firstly had to select 18 best papers based on the assessment of their originality, plagiarism, potential for publication, as well as discoveries and unique theories that have […]
CHRM2 Organizes English for Academic Purposes for Lecturers

As of August, 2018, we have welcomed two new members to the CHRM team. They are Global Community Fellows of the VIA Programs (Volunteers in Asia), working as both language editors and English teachers. Eleanor Jones, a recent Fulbright fellow and graduate from St. Mary’s University, is teaching a high intermediate EAP (English for Academic […]
GSID Presentation 11 August 2018

On Saturday, 11 August 2018, The Centre for Human Rights, Migration, and Multiculturalism hosted Professor Yuzuru Shimada from Nagoya University, Graduate School of International Development (GISD). As one of our members will be attending Non-Degree Program in October, Professor Shimada returned to the CHRM to present an additional insight to the graduate program for potential […]
CHRM2 Welcoming and Farewell Party

On June 24 th , 2018, Centre for Human Rights, Multiculturalism and Migration (CHRM2) University of Jember held an open house event which took place at CHRM2 Office. In this agenda, CHRM2 invited fellow partner in order to strengthen the relations. Besides, this agenda is also a farewell party dedicated for William who is a Fellow researcher whom already worked for […]