Kuliah Bersama Rakyat

Sepaham Indonesia bekerja sama dengan CHRM2 Universitas Jember mengadakan kegiatan kuliah bersama rakyat yang bertema Negara Hukum, Kemanusiaan, dan Ekologi, kuliah tersebut menghadirkan dua pentolan aktivis dari dua daerah yang persoalannya dipandang cukup serius. Mereka adalah Gunretno yang mewakili Jaringan Masyarakat Peduli Pegunungan Kendeng (JMPPK) Jawa Tengah, serta Yateno (Ketua Paguyuban Petani Jawa Timur, Banyuwangi) […]
Thanksgiving Celebration

This past Friday, November 23, 2018 the CHRM2 committee celebrated Thanksgiving with our two American VIA Global Community fellows, Tamara and Eleanor. Thanksgiving day is a national holiday celebrated in the United States, Canada, Liberia, some of the Caribbean islands, and now in Jember! Historically, it began as a day of giving thanks for the […]
Director Delivers a Speech for Human Rights National Summit

The Fourth Human Rights National Summit, co-hosted by Indonesian Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM), National Commission on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (Komnas Perempuan), and Commission on the Protection of Indonesian Children (KPAI) takes place at Grand Kemang Hotel Jakarta on 22 November 2018. This year, the one day Summit chooses the theme […]
3rd Annual Conference

On Monday, September 17th through Wednesday, September 19th 2018, the Centre for Human Rights, Migration, and Multiculturalism hosted its 3rd Annual Conference. The theme for this year’s conference is Narrating Human Rights: Issues of Migration, Discrimination, and Protection of Human Rights in Southeast Asia. This year, CHRM2 and University of Jember partnered with the National Human […]